After making an analyse of this film, where the differnce of poor and rich can be closely apprecieted, the difference of the high society and low society, we can come to the idea of how it would be accomodating this two completely adverse worlds in just one only space.
From this film I can also say that it let me open up my mind, get conscius of the importance of distributions, comunications and ventila- tions have on one home depending on its needs.
After reading this book I could learn about the importance and impact climate can have on architecture. Architectu- re is not only designing and projecting, it also consists of a process of analysis for it being perfectly adjusted to its environ- ment and connecting to nature. Also this book provides lots of interesting drawings that lets me understand better the concepts
Some interesting concepts on it are the subterrain ventilation, we have to take into account that this space at the house needs to be freshly aired, it should arrive with a type of solution. I should do an study about this problem. Also the ventilation around the rest of the house needs to be analysed.
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Parasite home
Carmen Calvo Giménez
Juan José Tuset